Tuesday 8 January 2013

Watch Me Grow - Thirty Three Weeks

There was no chance in getting this little lady to sit still long enough for me to take her photo this week. She is go, go GO all the time! She was having way too much fun sitting up, trying to crawl, sitting up again, giving the lamb kisses (aka slobbering all over the poor lamb) - doing everything except sitting still.

Week thirty three brought us Kaitlin's third tooth! I can't exactly tell which one it is yet - it's on her top left side. I can't tell if it's her incisor or not, but hopefully not since those aren't really supposed to come in until after she's a year old. It is definitely not her top middle tooth though. I felt around her mouth and can feel another tooth just under the surface in the same location but on her right top side. Who know how long it will take for this one to break through though! 

She has been practicing, practicing and more practicing her standing up skills. She has also added taking steps (completely aided by us, of course) and standing on her own (letting go of the ottoman, laundry basket, our hands) as well. I've said it before and I'll say it again - this girl has no shortage of determination!

We switched to all baby led weaning (BLW) last week and so far it has been going great. I'll be doing a post on it this week with more details! It's been so fun to see what she will eat, what foods she likes and doesn't like and how much she will eat at one time. It varies day to day, even meal to meal, but it has been a fun experience all around! Her new favorite thing to do is to blow raspberries - while she is eating! Fun for everyone (but less fun for mommy as she gets sprayed with food particles)!

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